This year's theme: Gold, but with a touch of ice white and blue
*Cue "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas" by Michael Bublé*
Welcome to Smithmas!
My favourite time of year. It's the time when I'm at my happiest because Christmas just brings me so much joy. No, it's not because of the presents - personally I'm not bothered if I get any. It's really just the ambience of the season. There's something about the trees, lights, snow (if you're in a cold country, this year I'm in tropical paradise), the music, the movies and so on that just brings me such excitement.
I've always loved Christmas and I get excited the minute Summer is over. Being cosied up with my family, enjoying the best Christmas movies, singing Christmas songs with my Mum all day, decorating the tree - I can't explain it, but if you know you know. It's just those little unofficial traditions that just make it the best.
Also I'm pretty much a 5 year old in my mind, so...

As you get older, Christmas obviously changes. You don't have the carefree nature of just enjoying the season as you did when you were a kid. Lucky for me, my Mumma still lets me be a big baby. But of course, you have the memories of being in school, having Christmas parties in class, doing the Nativity plays, Christmas concerts, church services and getting up very morning pumped to eat your Advent calendar chocolate. (I don't have an Advent calendar yet and I am not happy about it.)
But even though we are older, I don't think it makes so much of a difference. You can still enjoy the little things and be a child.

Mum's festive forest lantern: My new favourite decoration. Mum used her old classic Christmas floral arrangement with an extra garland. She does get extremely creative.
My top things to do to get me in the festive mood are:
My top things to do to get me in the festive mood are:
1. Put on a Christmas movie - Go with the classics for starters, like Home Alone 1 & 2, Elf, Love Actually, The Holiday and so on. But also try out the newbies. Those cheesy Lifetime movies and the ones on Netflix - I recommend The Princess Switch and The Holiday Calendar.
2. Christmas music on repeat - If you haven't listened to Michael Buble's masterpiece of Christmas album at least 5 times yet, what are you doing? Put that bad boy on immediately. Also get yourself onto Apple Music or Spotify for those Christmas Hits playlists. Another artist I recommend is Pentatonix, their Christmas albums are great, and Jessie J just bought out one too.
3. Go find the most festive thing in your area to do - If I was in London, I'd head on down to Winter Wonderland or a Christmas Market to really get in the mood. Go ice skating - classic for a festive season date. Go for a walk to see the Christmas lights. Or grab your favourite people, get yourself to somewhere that sells festive sweet treats and coffee to have a good gossip. There's bound to be something festive.

Honestly, if you're in need of a proper Christmas pick me up then talk to me because I am literally full festive spirit.
This is really just a random little post about my love for Christmas and just to show off The Smith tree this year. My mum is the Queen of decorating and I always look forward this day. I hope you love our decorations as much as I do! And I cannot wait to share more posts this season, including Gift Guides and Outfit Inspiration so stay tuned.
Merry Christmas my lovelies!
Lots of Love,
Emily xx
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