Happy New Year my lovelies!
2017 has come and gone in the blink of an eye. It’s had its highs and lows for me. I graduated from university, got my first job (which I love) and turned 21 all without having a panic attack because I’m a real adult now. The lows are something I’m not going to focus on or try to recount, because it had them but what I will do is look back and notice how they helped me grow and what I learnt from them.
As I move into 2018, I’m looking to be more positive. Even more so than I am now. I take and give everything with positivity. I’m somebody who cannot stand unnecessary negativity, so I choose not to accept it.In the last year, I’ve definitely learnt who the real people are in my life and I made the decision to remove the ones that weren’t.
Something that we all think about as we approach a New Year is resolutions and I can already hear the eye rolls. And to be honest, I’m kind of there with you.
I always make resolutions or something of the sort and like the rest of you, end up either breaking or forgetting them by the end of January or in February. They are just an added pressure we put on ourselves every year.

The word “resolution” is not a very motivational word either. It literally means “a firm decision to do or not do something”. As positive as I am, I’m not feeling positivity towards it.
Some people are really good at keeping them, good for you girl (or boy) because damn teach me your ways. But some people don’t, like me. So I’ve decided to approach the dread resolution tradition in a new way for 2018. Instead of making resolutions, I’m going to set myself goals.
Goals are aims or desires that can be long or short term. They could be little or big. They are literally limitless and revolve around your passions. The motivational buzz you feel when you set yourself a goals is much more effective than the dread of a resolution. The thing that hinders is from creating a list of goals is the fear. Fear that we’ll never get there. Fear we will not be good enough. Fear that life will get in the way. Fear that people will judge us and criticise.
But the only person who can stop you from achieving your goals is you. Whatever you put in the forefront of your mind, the doubt, the anxiety, the negativity, is all controlled by you. So push it aside this year. Take the time to be a bit selfish, to put yourself first and commit to your goals.I always find that I put other people first, which is never a bad thing, but then I put myself last. So I need to myself higher upper on the ladder this year because sometimes we do deserve to be slightly selfish.
But don’t overdo it. Trust me, it will get ugly otherwise.
Outfit Details: Dress - Boohoo (old) / Bag: Charles & Keith / Shoes: Aldo (old)

Make yourself as many goals as you want. No one is good at just one thing, so why not channel our energy into all our passions, rather than just one. New Year’s Resolutions always tend to be just one thing (well at least in my circle), but New Year’s Goals can be as many as you want.
So I dare you to challenge yourself for 2018. Go where you haven’t gone. Do what you haven’t done. But all the while be yourself. Nurture yourself to be the best version of you. As I’ve learnt from the person I trust most in my life, you’re not here to live this one life to please others. This life is yours. Live, laugh and love for yourself.
Make your goals and work to achieve them. I know I will.
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