That time of year has come again. No, not Christmas. Not Easter, but so close (all the chocolate eggs, I'm not ready for you). Nope, it's that day that all us singletons dread.

Now for all you loved up lovelies, you will not have the problem of feeling lonely. Even if you aren't with the one you love, you'll probably get a surprise gift; maybe it'll be a beautiful bouquet of roses or a big box of chocolates. But what single girls (and maybe some boys) are expected to do is curl up on the sofa, bang on every romantic film you can think of, from A Cinderella Story to Fifty Shades of Grey and drown in your tears and a tub of Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
It is time for that to change!
I have spent the last 20 years of my existence (yes I turned twenty last week, help me, I still feel like I'm 5), as a lonely singleton on Valentine's Day. I may have got little gifts as a kid from a boy but nothing serious. If you know me I'm a hopeless romantic, just waiting for a surprise bouquet of roses to turn up at my door or a boy to say "hey, I want to take you out for Valentine's day". So far, none of that has happened.
I expect someone to come take care of me, but why can't I take care of myself? This year for me personally is about loving myself and that's what I plan to do. So join me this Valentine's in treating yourself better!
Claire's Accessories is celebrating the love of besties this year and I think that is fabulous! I spent last year's Valentine's with my best friend. We went on a Nando's date and saw Fifty Shades of Grey. We were the only best friend in the cinema, I'm not surprised if they thought we were a couple. My bestie has a wonderful boyfriend who is up in uni, so I got her for Valentine's, as I do again this year! What a better way of celebrating a long lasting love!
So here's my tips for having a successfully, love-filled Valentine's Day as single:
1.) Want roses & Chocolates? Buy them for yourself.

I bought myself flowers last year (technically my Dad did) and I felt great about it. You are treating yourself with some beautiful flowers that you deserve. Why not buy yourself some and treat yourself to the beauty that the natural world has to offer us. Roses are gorgeous and typically the flower of love, but go get your favourites; lilies, orchids, daisies, anything you like. It's your choice, you are not bound to the traditions because you're making your own. When it comes to chocolate, there is no excuse? Go buy yourself whatever you fancy. A Freddo? Milkybar buttons? Ferrero Rochers? Lindt? Doesn't matter which one, by them all if you want! Because you are treating you, no one else. (If you're giving up chocolate for Lent like me, don't worry we are in this boat together. Just buy more flowers and eat some fruit).
2.) The romantic movies are calling you? Go see a new film!

There are plenty of new films out there. DEADPOOL CAME OUT TODAY GO SEE THAT (I'm so excited, I need to see it). Who's going to love you more than Deadpool and all his sexy (thank you Ryan Reynolds). Even though you've mastered the art, why not go see How To Be Single with Fifty Shades lovely, Dakota Johnson, and ultimate funny lady, Rebel Wilson. It looks like an amazing movie and is what I'm planning to see for sure. Zoolander 2 is coming out on Friday as well and that's bound to be hilarious! Rather than giving into the romance you sit around watching every year, go see something new! Or if you like the rom-coms, then go for it but don't be sad about what you don't have. Use these movies as a reminder for the romantic journey that's bound to hit you anytime soon!
3.) No fella, no problem.
Having a fella or lady in your life is not the most important thing kids. Even though I cave all the time and moan about not having one, as well as dealing with the constant questions: "So any boys in your life?" or "Any boyfriends?" or "When are you going to get a boyfriend? Let's find you one." Hold up everyone, I'll get one when I get one. If no one wants me then that's totally fine. Treasure being on your own and independent, as they say "less drama for mama".
But if you really want to spend time with someone on Valentine's Day to fill that lonely void, go get your best girls together and have a great night in or out. And no you don't have to get completely sloshed. Have a fun little sleepover! Go for dinner, a good old Chinese is a tradition in my girl gang. Go see a movie. Wherever the wind takes you. Enjoy their company because that's the best love there is.
4.) Don't "bah humbug" or whatever the equivalent is. Embrace the holiday.
Join Claire's Accessories in their #HeartMyBFFs campaign for the loved-up holiday. Express your love to not just your friends, but your family. Family are super important, they're always going to be there for you so showing them you love them is incredibly important. Send them flowers, chocolate, a card or a little prezzie just to show your appreciation for their love throughout the years. Here are my picks from Claire's, click on the images to shop!
It's not going to be the most romantic days of your life, but this is how I plan to get my way through the dreaded day. There's going to be plenty more when we'll all have someone to treat us like princesses because that's what we are. And hey, so what if we don't have someone? That just means we're too good for them ;)
I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day. May your day be as loved-up as possible. Just know you've got a Valentine right here if you need one.
Lots of love,
Emily xx
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